Military & Veterans Group

Our Mission

We bring together veterans and those whose military service has instilled them with the importance of unity, teamwork, and a country-first mentality in order to promote the Braver Angels mission and grow the membership base.

We believe our core values such as service-before-self and our behavior of acceptance of others and teamwork complement the Braver Angels’ mission.

Our group seeks out opportunities that capitalize on our veteran relationships and access to veteran organizations to further spread the Braver Angels’ methods of reducing affective polarization.

Who We Are

Veterans and active duty service members who have taken the oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic. We understand our own national affective polarization to be among our nation’s greatest enemies, but one that must be faced directly. This threat can be mitigated by spreading awareness and skills for discussing important political issues in a constructive and non-polarizing manner, using the principles of Braver Angels.

The Opportunity

Joining the Military and Veterans Group is for those who want to:

Monthly  Welcome Meeting

We hold a Welcome Event for those interested in the Military & Veterans Group and Braver Angels the second Tuesday of the month at 1900 Eastern.

Join Us

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